mercoledì 16 settembre 2009

Eco-Polis | Workshop Norte de la Provincia de Córdoba

Eco-Polis Workshop | Book

On September 11th, 2009, the second edition of the University of Ferrara EcoPolis International Master Program presented its findings and recommendations for the cities and towns in the area north of Cordoba, Argentina (the Córdoba Norteña). The project, Pequeños pueblos construyen una gran tierra; Tejer un patrimonio común con los hilos de la tradición en el norte de Córdoba (A Great Land Made of Small Villages; Weaving a Common Heritage from the Threads of Tradition in the North of Córdoba), was part of a three week workshop completed in cooperation with the Catholic University of Cordoba Department of Architecture, as well as other researchers and professionals who are experts on the economy and culture of the study area. The project team consisted 22 graduate students and 6 tutors, including three local student participants from Cordoba Catholic University (CCU).

The analysis phase of the work examined the opportunities and constraints of the existing economic, social, environmental and governance factors. During the analysis, existing local best practices were identified and highlighted as innovation models for incorporation on a regional scale. The project team used this synthesis to develop a new vision for the territory, from which a strategic plan of objectives and then specific actions were developed. The vision statement included the regional macro-concepts of:

* Knowing yourself so as to be better known

* Capitalizing on a optimum distance (separation/distinction)

* Innovation for conservation and diffusion (communication/promotion)

* From dependency to collaboration (complementary cooperation)

The objectives developed include:

1. Establishment of mechanisms for communication and interaction between institutions, directed towards cooperation for the establishment of an intermediate level of management at the regional scale;

2. Inspiring inhabitants of the local villages with regard to their awareness and the importance of their local history (including the tangible and intangible patrimony of the region), recognizing it as a valuable community resource, and acknowledging themselves as part of a common community, gifted with shared and common traditions and cultural heritage;

3. Rediscovery, on the part or the local population, of the capacity to imagine and achieve through training and education strategies;

4. Conservation, restoration and management of the cultural and natural/landscape heritage, built on a system that incorporates the elements of equilibrium, interrelation and interaction;

5. Consolidation and improvement of infrastructure systems to overcome the isolation between the villages within the territory, and to promote a regional image outside of the territory.

6. Optimization of the local economy, improving the competitiveness of local activities in the market place.

The specific actions developed from these objectives led to the formulation of five pilot projects focused on:

* Governance - A strategy for integrated strategic local development;

* Economy - Development of a wool processing and products industry for local artisans;

* Environment - Establishment of a multi-use park/preserve area;

* Culture - Promotion of the regional image as a “Land of Painters”;

* Integration - Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology for improved regional management of educational and cultural heritage resources.

Detailed explanations and reference information related to all of the work completed has been made available as part of the 40 page document prepared as the final work product. To promote dissemination and local dialogue, a informational flyer with a project summary and contact information was prepared for mass distribution throughout the territory.